Braces - ClearCorrect Invisible Braces



A new alternative to metal braces, called ClearCorrect Invisible Braces, offers an effective way to straighten teeth without the need for the unsightly wires and brackets used in conventional braces.

ClearCorrect braces straighten teeth by using a series of clear, custom-made, removable aligners. Each aligner moves your teeth just a little bit at a time until your teeth are ideally positioned.


The Procedure:

The first step is a complete evaluation of your smile by the staff here at Simply Sensational Aesthetic Dentistry. We'll evaluate your smile and discuss any challenges we foresee in your treatment. If ClearCorrect is the right treatment option for you, we'll make dental impressions and take photos and x-rays of your teeth, all of which are then sent on to the ClearCorrect dental laboratories.

The ClearCorrect labs use your records to create exact 3D models of your teeth. Then, working closely with us, we'll map out a complete treatment plan for you. You’ll even be able to preview what your new smile will look like by viewing computer-generated images of your teeth as they'll look after treatment.

ClearCorrect Once approved, and using the latest digital mapping and molding technology, ClearCorrect will create your custom aligners with computer precision. ClearCorrect then ships your aligners to us and we'll pass them on to you.

You'll wear your aligners virtually all the time, except while eating and drinking or during daily brushing and flossing. Your aligners are clear, so they are barely noticeable to the people around you. Over a period of weeks, as you move from aligner after aligner, you'll see your teeth slowly move into position. Visits to our office will be needed periodically to check your progress as you move toward the beautiful smile you've always wanted.

With the results and convenience that ClearCorrect offers, this system is proving to be the treatment option of choice for many patients.

To view a short video that tells more about ClearCorrect Invisible Braces, click on the video player below.