
When you look at your smile in the mirror, what do you see? Stained teeth? Cracked, crooked or chipped teeth? Teeth that are misaligned? Dental veneers are a terrific way to correct dental problems like these.

Veneers are very thin ceramic shells that are permanently attached to the outsides of your existing teeth. They are the number one choice of Hollywood dentists who use veneers to create brilliant smiles for their movie star patients! We use exactly the same process here.

The Procedure

It takes two or three visits to create and attach your veneers.

During your first visit, we’ll discuss what we want to accomplish with your new veneers. Working together, we’ll choose a pleasing shape and appearance for your new smile. Once the plan is in place, we’ll prepare your teeth to receive your veneers.

Next, we’ll take impressions of your teeth. These impressions will be sent to our dental laboratory where your sparking new veneers will be designed. The process takes 10 - 14 days. In the meantime, we’ll provide you with attractive temporaries to wear until your beautiful new veneers are ready.

Finally, the big day arrives! Time to bond your beautiful new veneers in place! What a thrill to see those chipped and damaged teeth disappear, only to be replaced with a dazzling smile!

That’s all there is to it! All that’s left is for you to enjoy your fabulous new smile!