Scaling & Root Planing

Gingivitis is a degenerative disease that, when left untreated, can cause significant tooth and gum deterioration. The good news is, gingivitis is easily treated in our office.

When plaque and tarter build up on your teeth, an environment is created that allows bacteria to thrive and multiply.  Soon, your gums can become inflamed and bleed, noticeable when you brush your teeth or even when you eat. These are the early stages of gingivitis.

Gingivitis is easily treated by scaling and polishing the teeth.  If gingivitis is left untreated, the condition will progress, and the roots will need what's called "planing." Scaling is the removal of the dental tartar from the tooth surfaces. Root planing is the process of smoothing the root surfaces to removed infecting material.

Scaling and root planing are performed without anesthesia in the dentist’s office. While the procedure is usually painless, it may be necessary to numb the area in order to treat areas of advanced gingivitis . Deep scaling and root planing is usually done one section of the mouth per appointment. Sometimes four appointments may be necessary to allow for adequate healing time.